A year ago…

A year since laughter filled with tears in a meal to remember. A year since I photographed every moment of my commute A year since I posted a FB status in four languages A year since the Christmas tree came off the wall.A year since I put a “to be continued” at the end of … Continue reading A year ago…

The soundtrack of life

The sound of laughter of excitement & when words fail Of finally coming into their home! The screech of the marker and the quiet swish of the fan As things get finalized and plan The dinging of the church bells Symbolizing the end of a week & start of the next The quiet sound of … Continue reading The soundtrack of life

642 things to get done

Or well 642 things to write about would be a more accurate title. One of my flatmates recently lent me a book with that name and laughingly commented that she just gave me 642 things to do. After scanning some of the suggestions I've decided to slightly edit one and post a blog about it: … Continue reading 642 things to get done

Connected in distance

Knowing your different and yet feeling even more connected. Would be a quick summary of my recent holiday. It was a true blessing and honor to get to return to Hong Kong for 2 weeks at the end of 2013/beginning of 2014 to continue to learn, reconnect, and just be in community with my family … Continue reading Connected in distance