“A change of schedule/scenery”

As someone who can all to often get stuck in the day to day and forget to take a breather. Or get so focused on others, I forget about myself. Hong Kong’s statutory Holidays ever since I arrived have proven to be a force that makes me step back and take a breather or at least they change my schedule not because I agreed to it but because they just do.

This has always been a blessing as the Holidays seem to come at the right times. When my cases have me me really stressed and I need to forget about it for a day, or when I’m struggling with living alone and being by myself to much or even when they include work when the mission is in running for love idea love HK grants and we needed to get votes or when I need a major change of scenery from the tall buildings and in need of semi-fresh air. They also always give me time to reflect on life and spend quality time with God.

Yesterday was a statutory holiday and it was no different. I needed to get away for day and not think. I needed to step back from life, get away from buildings, and spend some quality time reflecting with God. And that is exactly what I got. I met some of my close friends here (whom I’m pretty sure are angels with hidden wings) and we went out away from buildings.

Spent the day laughing and reflecting. Sharing and enjoying the day.

As I looked back on the past few weeks, I thought back to my ‘makeover’ and when it began. I realized that it started well before I was asked about not having my ears pierced. The makeover was really happening on the inside since April and I joined the POWER beauties. They pushed me to be my best, and to really claim my identity. I wrestled with trying to compare my placement to others and then realized how much I am doing even if others don’t understand. I worried alot about being an added burden but POWER welcomed me unconditionally and I had a place where I could just be me and try new things. I was constantly reminded on how beautiful I was, even if I didn’t see it myself or if it was something new I had never done. They weren’t going to take no for answer

This continued and then the conversation about me getting my ears pierced happen. They beauties have been some of my biggest supporters since then. The changes moved to the outside and I began to feel beautiful. The beauties loved it, made me feel even more beautiful and continue to support me. In some recent conversations I’ve shared about the inner transformation going on and I”m learning I’m not alone.

Above everything, what i have noticed is that its God is working in some amazing ways with everything that is going on. I can’t identify all the changes and when they happened but God put the right people in my life to help empower me and support me through this process. The changes long overdue in many ways but yet very much at the perfect time in many many others. Its the perfect timing in God’s plan and that the most amazing thing. It doesn’t make since to me but I am completely ok with this fact because God is in complete control.

As I look forward to whatever the future holds both short-term and long-term, i have no idea where I’ll end up, what will be going on. But I know God will guide my steps and as long as Im on the path God wants me on then I’m ok with that fact.

In the mean time, I’m pretty sure God continues to send angels with hidden wings to help me further become the person I’m capable of being in God and for all these friendships and support Im beyond thankful.

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