Survivors, activist, and fighters NOT victims

Today is International Human Rights Day. As like any major day, we marked the day on the closest Sunday (because most of my community here are domestic workers and there only day off is Sunday)….being yesterday.

The day had ako reflecting on my experiences during the month of November in sa Philippines.

I was able to meet some of the people who are united & active in the Human Rights movement in Mindanao and heard first hand accounts of various violations over the course of the month. The voices of the mother whose daughter was forcibly dispearred in 2006 and has yet to be surfaced, the mother & wife who witnessed the murder of her young daughter & husband at two different times, the Catholic Nun who speaks out for environmental & human rights despite the number of violations she has experienced, the mother & leader of her people who can no longer return to her home land because she knows she will die if she does, the man who survived a murder attempt on his life, the farmers that continue to fight against the president to have the rights to use the land that is legally theirs, the young teacher who stood up to the military so her children could get away, and countless other stories.

One thing that stood out to me was the fact they did not see themselves as victims. They were survivors, activist, people fighting for their rights, and those who did what they had to to protect their families. They did not want to be seen as victims cause even through what they experienced they have not stopped fighting for justice, fighting for their rights.

I also met a big number of people who work seeking Migrant rights which are in fact Human Rights. For a government to provide services to its people, for recognition as workers to those who work in “hidden” jobs, for equal treatment and treatments as a fellow human. While the government portrays them as asking for “so much” or “making trouble” they are just in fact asking the government to actually do it job.

As I reflect today I realize how many amazing people I’ve met and how much of my time as not been fully processed yet. Though one thing is that the human rights situation in the Philippines is only getting worse and its past time for the government to take action and for other governments to stop committing violations and starting following the conventions they have signed.

I know I’ve gained strength from meeting the people and hearing the stories, I’m changed because of it and for that I am thankful. So today I echo the call for Human Rights for all Humans Worldwide.

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