Treasured Moments in Community

As the sun set
The day slowed down, task done
hanging on to treasured moments in community
Plastic containers appeared out of bags
As plastic sheet tables patchworked the ground
Breaking bread together, catching up on the days work
Marking anniversaries, birthdays, and special occassions
Holding onto shared emotions rooted in the why we organize
Our heart beats for the work we do,
As the sun set, united in common unity building community
The day past hot from the sun
Had not slowed the work to be done
Today marked by the documentary showing
As the final song played, whisper singing together to calm our nerves a song of hope
The second showing had brought out the collective heartbeat in the work
Her emotions helped bridge the reality of the human rights crisis back home
To the reality migrants faced here
The sun set
Reports submitted
The familiar notes of karaoke filled the streets
It was to be a night hanging on to treasured moments in community
The weeks weighing heavy
With news reports filling our feeds
Human rights violations from Palestine to the Philippines
Friends getting Covid-19
And struggles faced by loved ones around the world
Reminders why i chose a life lived in solidarity
Why following Jesus to the margins is the best choice
Answering Gods call to shared ministry with community there
The week brings new todo lists
More work and new challenges
But for as long as I can
hanging on to treasured moments in community

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